Advent Devotional

Advent Devotional

Monday, December 18th                                                                         Marianna Keesee


 “Be Joyful always.”

1 Thessalonians  5:16

The Merriam /Webster dictionary defines happiness as a “state of well-being and contentment, a pleasurable and satisfying experience.”  It defines joy as “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune.”  So what is the difference?

Sandra L. Brown M.A., explains, “Joy allows us the perspective to be grateful and happy, but also to survive trying times by reminding us we’re still loved and cared for by Jesus no matter what direction our daily life goes.  “

Rick Warren has said, “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.”

I personally have found that joy seems to be longer lasting than moments of happiness.  Joy is both the reassurance that Jesus is with me every single day, and also the assurance of well-being that friends(also known as the family I choose) provide to me as they help me face sadness and other difficulties and join me in seeking and celebrating joy in many situations.

A group of about 100 people were attending a seminar on how to find joy.  After speaking for a few minutes, the speaker passed a balloon to everyone with the instructions to blow up the balloon, use a marker to write his name on the balloon, and take it to an adjoining room and leave it there.  Later the participants were instructed to go into the room of balloons and find theirs, with prizes for the first five. Bedlam ensued. People pushed and shoved others and after three minutes the speaker called time. No one had earned the prizes. He then instructed them to pick up a balloon near them, find the owner and give it to the owner. In three minutes, everyone had his own balloon.

The moral of this story is: You won’t find joy by searching frantically by yourself.  You will find it by helping others find joy.

During this Advent season, I hope you each have moments of happiness and  longer periods of joy as you celebrate the birth of Jesus, thank Him for His presence in your life, and sing these words with renewed significance:

“Joy to the world, the Lord is come!  Let earth receive her King.  Let every heart prepare Him room, and Heav’n and nature sing.”

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