Advent Devotional

Advent Devotional

Tuesday, December 19th                                                                                   Kristen Ford

Childlike Joy

“Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.”

Philemon 1: 7

The last 7 months have been some of the most challenging as I learn to balance being a new mom, wife, friend, and coworker. I get caught in the mom guilt of not spending enough time with my son, not cooking enough dinners during the week, not giving my full attention to my husband, and feeling like I’m not doing enough at work. But then I hear Bentley’s full-on belly laugh and my worries and struggles seem to melt away. My little blue-eyed boy gives me great joy and encouragement. His smiles and laughter are contagious and spread joy. 

God gives us people, for me a child, that brings joy to our lives. When life brings us down, we can turn to our brothers and sisters in Christ to bring us joy and encouragement because we are the Lord’s people. Right now, Bentley’s joy comes from seeing his Mama or Dada, or even his dog, but I pray that his joy ultimately comes from knowing the Lord and being surrounded by godly people. 

I imagine God’s joy is like Bentley’s smile and twinkling eyes when He sees us, his children, take time to be with him. I challenge you during this season of Advent to take time to be in God’s word and surround yourself with His children because it can bring you and God JOY. 

Dear God, thank you for the joy of little children. Help us this Advent season to look past the challenges of life and choose JOY. Amen. 

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