Bennett to play at the Kennedy Center

Bennett to play at the Kennedy Center

Tifton First United Methodist Church Director of Music Ministries, Dr. Pat Bennett, will represent Tifton First on the national stage as he joins an orchestra at the Kennedy Center next month. Pat, a French horn player, will be a part of the True North Orchestra, which will be backing the Annie Moses Band in Washington...

November 2, 2023November 2, 2023by
Bennett Brings a Big Voice to the Tifton First Music Program

Bennett Brings a Big Voice to the Tifton First Music Program

The music business is made up of many different people. There are people who sing; there are people who play an instrument; there are people who compose music; and there are people who lead the various music groups.  Tifton First United Methodist Church is fortunate to have an individual who can do all the above....