Traditional Worship at Tifton First


Tifton First United Methodist Church has two traditional worship services each Sunday morning in our main Sanctuary, which faces 12th Street.  The services are held at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.  Both services feature liturgy and the great hymns of the faith.  Biblical preaching is a heritage that we seek to protect and continue.  We usually celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.

9:00 Service

This service is identical to the 11:00 service, with the exception of the choir anthem each week. 

11:00 Service

This service is our largest service, and normally has the Chancel Choir sharing an anthem. 

The 11:00 Traditional Series is streamed and recorded.  We are currently streaming our Traditional Service at 11:00 AM each Sunday on our YouTube Channel

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