What’s Going on with the Newsletter

What’s Going on with the Newsletter

If you’re wondering what’s going on with the mailout newsletter, you are not alone. We have people who aren’t getting it at all, people getting it late, and people getting two different weeks issues the same day. Pat actually got one from the middle of February last week.  The only thing that seems to make sense is the post office’s Tallahassee facility is having serious problems.  

In response, we are working a week early on the mailout, and sending it out earlier. Our hope is that more people will get it in a timely fashion. If that doesn’t work, we will go to a monthly newsletter.  

Debbie puts a lot of work in putting it together each week, and Judy Green helps her prepare it for mailing each week. We pay about $80 a week to mail it, and about $3 apiece for each one that’s returned – and the post office is returning our January ones now, so we’ll be paying $3 for each one for another month or two.  

We want this to be informative and timely. Please bear with us as we try to find solutions. If you’d like to transition to the emailed version, let us know. 

In Christ, 

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