Can you believe it?

Can you believe it?

Can you believe another year is almost over? 2022 has flown by, and with that comes time to celebrate the event no one could believe – that God came to earth in the form of a helpless baby, to provide the means for us to be restored to Him. As we prepare our hearts for the Christmas celebration this year, we have a lot of things going on to help us prepare.

Each Sunday, we will have worship services celebrating the Season of Advent, with the Advent readings and the candles of the Advent wreath being lit. As always the decorations at Tifton First, can’t help but prepare you for the joy and beauty of this special season in the life of the Church.

On Wednesday, December 7th, we’ll be celebrating a “Night of Christmas” for Wednesday Night Supper and it will be a little different. The staff and volunteers will be serving you, and our Children’s Choir, Youth, and Music ministries will be leading us in a time of worship and celebration, as a part of our time together that evening.  December 14th will be our last Wednesday Night Supper of the year.

On Sunday, December 11th, we will have our Christmas Cantata at 6:00 PM, in the Sanctuary. The church musicians, the orchestra, the choir, and the children’s choir will be leading us in a time of worship.  

Our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Services will be at 4:30 and 6:00 PM, on Saturday, the 24th. And, with Christmas being on Sunday this year, we will not have Sunday School, and will have a single combined service at 11:00 AM.  

I hope you will not only avail yourself of the opportunities to worship with the Family of God during this special time, but will be intentional about inviting someone else to join you, as we celebrate the love that God has shown us in the wonderful gift of His Son.

In Christ,


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