

This Sunday, after an extended delay, our Contemporary Service will be relaunching in the Social Hall. There have been a lot of changes that have gone into the service. There’s a new order of worship, a new way of collecting the offering, and a new pastor. There have been improvements made to the wiring and lights, and the soundboard has had a total makeover. Trevor and Harris have spent countless hours working on things over the last two weeks, and we know everything still won’t be where we want it to be on Sunday – but it’s time for liftoff! 

If you haven’t heard Trevor leading in worship or preaching, you’re in for a treat. Add to that the Kozmas and so many others who have helped and will be helping with our contemporary worship. I, for one, am so excited about where things are and where they are going. I hope you will make it a point to check out the service – in person or online. We’re hoping to have another camera in place by Sunday, so those that are streaming the service or watching on television will get a better experience as well.   

God is doing some amazing things in so many different areas of our church. I hope you will celebrate this special time on Sunday. One thing you need to remember – we’re changing the time from 10:50 to 11:00AM, starting this week. This promises to be a great ride – Hang on! 

In Christ,  

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